eBook: Travel

 • eBook: Travel

Paris in the Autumn

Paris in the Autumn tells of my two weeks in Paris in September 2019.

I hope you enjoy the read, and if by chance you’re planning your own holiday, it may just provide some inspiration.

The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Travel Guide

The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Travel Guide is a companion eBook to The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Guide (which should be read first), and helps those of who love travel.

It provides helpful tips and tricks and proves packing doesn’t have to be daunting or difficult.

The Ultimate Travel Planner

The Ultimate Travel Planner is an Excel spreadsheet to help you plan your holiday can be used as a companion document to The Ultimate Capsule Wardrove Travel Guide (above.)

It includes a worksheet to help you budget for your holiday, provides space for your itinerary and the attractions and activities you’d like to visit, as well as what to pack, based on your destination.

I am planning a trip to New York in the next twelve months, so have populated some of the fields to provide guidance. Simply overwrite this data with your own.